Environmental Impact Assessment

Coastal Environments has prepared Ecological Assessments (EA), Environmental Impact Reports (EIR), and Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) in the areas of oceanography, marine biology, fisheries, and endangered species usually as a support service to prime contractors that specialize in regulatory permitting and in preparing environmental documents. Internationally, CE prepares Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) and conducts field studies, etc., as needed to support these assessment projects. CE’s services are particularly valuable where greater independent technical support, re-analysis of existing data, additional field studies, mitigation monitoring, or numerical modeling may be needed. These services often result in selection of better project alternatives and yield significant cost savings.

Coastal Environments also prepares ecological impact assessments in the areas of offshore oil exploration and development, Rigs-to-Reef programs, municipal waste water discharge, petroleum refinery discharges, coastal wetlands restoration, dredging, dredge material disposal, and disposal site designation. New methods for condensing and integrating information are often used to focus on important issues and establish credible criteria for assessments while increasing the reliability and interpretability of information.

  • Environmental documentation including EA, EIA, EIR, and EIS
  • Mitigation planning and monitoring
  • Literature reviews and secondary source data collection

Some projects we have worked on for environmental impact include: